© InnoTrans




Fornebu elevated APM : Time Schedule & Finance

PRT - Links - Experience with PRT

Older material - from the SporTaxi project in Oslo :
Illustrations - Documents

See also presentations

Material in Norwegian

 beskrivelse - brukerbeskrivelse - erfaring - fakta - stikkord - kapasitet - kostnader og byggetid -

 - referanser - spørsmål og svar - taxibane bedre enn monorail - tekniske spesifikasjoner - trafikk og nettverk - weblenker

Fornebubanen – gylden anledning til industriutvikling
("A golden opportunity for industrial development" )
Debate Article, Oct 31st 2003

Implikasjoner av modulproduksjon

A memo for Aker Kvaerner Sept. 2002 - Formats :  Acrobat (2.5 mb) - Zip (=half size)
- a collection of facts and arguments for involvement in Taxi2000 and the PRT business,
and more specifically in the Fornebu project (Oslo, Norway)

- Comments to the situation after the national budget for 2004 (in Norwegian) : Finans - Teknologi

A review of monorail vs. PRT (Personal Rapid Transit) - 2001

Documents from the project Norsk Sportaxi AS :

2000: The Oslo-belt concept - (a strategy for gradually introducing PRT /APM in all of Oslo through using the belt of business areas around the city center, as opposed to intervening into living quarters and other more objectionable areas
2000: Report of the advantages of PRT for Statens Vegvesen Akershus (the national road authorities)
1999: Report of the advantages of PRT for Akershus Fylkeskommune’s Samferdselsavdeling (the regional transportation  authorities)
1999: A preliminary view of the Fornebu-cabtrack system
1998: A comment to the report from Asplan-Viak, "Silingsrapporten" about "Banebetjening på Fornebu":  
1998: A comment to the report from Avia-plan on behalf of IT-Fornebu: "Helhetsplan for IT-Fornebu": 
1998: A short essay on the potentials related to cabtrack at Fornebu


External documents


- SkyWeb Express : news - press  - publications

Innovative Transportation Technologies news

- Aker og Bærum Budstikkes nyheter om Fornebu

 - Aftenposten : sportaxi1999a - sportaxi1999b - automatbane - Fornebubane

Computerworld - Illustrert Vitenskap - TV2 - NRK2007


GTS - A General Transport System
(nationwide PRT)

Bubbles and beams - a convenient future by SIKA (Statens Institut för kommunikationaanalys, Sweden)

resume in English:  SIKA Report 2006:1 A general transport system (pdf)


In Swedish and Norwegian:

SIKA Rapport 2006:1 Ett generellt transportsystem (pdf)

The GTS pre-study En förstudie om alternativa mobilitetssystem (pdf) (2006)

Høyhastighetstog er gammeldags: Sats på moderne teknologi - Article in the Norwegian national transport journal Samferdsel Nov. 2007


PRT - Personal Rapid Transit

"Status and Potential of PRT" : ATRA PRT report 2003 or the pre-release 
See the folder docx : local html page : 1989 report
2003: summary - cover - main - technology , Andreasson : Innovative Transport Systems - Tegnér : Ridership )

Assessment of PRT and Other New Systems (1975)

Student reports (Norway)

Since 2001, Innotrans has had the privilege of mentoring technical students on innovative transport several times.
All groups produced 26-80 illustrated pages on automated and guided people movers :

In 2001 - students at the Oslo Polytechnic College, NITH

In 2003 - students at the national technical university in Trondheim, NTNU.

In 2005 - students at the national technical university in Trondheim, NTNU.

(or )

Parliamentary reports (Norway):

Stortingsproposisjon nr. 1 (2004-2005) Samferdselsdepartementets tilråding - om Fornebubanen og Lysaker

Stortingsmelding 24 (2003-2004) - Nasjonal Transportplan  2006-2015 - local copy - om Fornebubanen

St.meld. nr. 26  (2001-2002) - Bedre kollektivtransport local copy

St.meld. nr. 46 (1999-2000) Nasjonal transportplan 2002-2011 local copy

Akershus Fylke (Norway - County level): 

Bane til Fornebu - tilleggsutredning 2003 local copy abstract

- Samferdselsdepartementet (the Norwegian DOT - Department of Transportation):

Kollektivbetjening av Fornebu - Tilleggsutredning 2001 local copy

Banebetjening av Fornebuområdet - Konsekvensutredning 2000 local copy

- The Telenor Group for PRT:

Telektronikk 1:2003 (Telenor magazine) :

Introduction - Telenor and PRT - Control (Anderson) - Control design - Sustainable (Lowson)
- speech 1 2003 - speech 2 2003

Samferdsel : 'Individuell kollektivtransport til Fornebu? 2002.09.26   ('Individual Public Transport to Fornebu')
åpen linje 07/02  : Svever til jobben ('Levitating to work') - (Telenor's employee magazine)

The Telenor group's congratulations to Vectus in Uppsala Oct. 2007


2003 A Comparison of Costs between Bus, PRT, LRT and Metro/rail 
(by Transek, the largest private transport consultancy in Sweden.)
Some of the headlines
Investment costs – PRT three times cheaper than other systems", "Operating & Maintenance costs – PRT 40% cheaper"
2000 Verket för Innovationssystem, VINNOVA: Innovativa kollektiva trafiksystem - 2001, in English
2000 Spårtrafikens klara resultat
2000 SkyCab : Vision SkyCab i Sigtuna kommun
1999 Personal Rapid Transit in Stockholm: Market Demand and Economic Viability
    (by Transek, the largest private transport consultancy in Sweden.)
1998 Spårtaxi - ett lämpligt transportsystem för svenska tätorter (KFB 1998-13)
1997 Pilotbana med spårtaxi


